Talking History [Organization of American Historians]


[Program Content, Production, and Broadcast Questions] Le Beau, Bryan (Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Missouri-Kansas City)

Talking History (OAH) is a production of the Organization of American Historians. It is a thirty-minute weekly radio program woven around 15-18 minute interviews with historians. A typical half-hour show is composed of a segment on events that occurred that week in history, a core interview, an oral "op-ed," often provided through the History News Service, and a report on exhibits, sites, or upcoming history-related television programs or films of interest to the public." Thematischer Schwerpunkt sind Ereignisse und Personen der amerikanischen Geschichte. Unter "Topics" finden sich Sendungen vergangener Jahre (1997-2001) thematisch gelistet. Hier finden sich u.a. Beiträge zum Thema "Berlin Airlift", "Cold War" oder "Film and History".
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United States

Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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